Hastings, Cohan & Walsh, LLP - 89 Oak Street Hartford, CT 06106-1515

How Should You Proceed if a Dog Bites You?

The first thing you should do if a dog bites you is to identify the owner and make sure you know where the dog is. If you cannot identify the dog or owner then you will be responsible for your own medical bills.

Secondly, you need to seek medical advice and go to hospital if there is excessive bleeding, or the wound does not heal. You should also go to a doctor if there are signs of infection, the skin is torn or lacerated, or if it was an unfamiliar or rabies infected dog. If you do not know the vaccination record of the animal you should also be tested for rabies.

Next you should file a report with the city animal control center or the police and gather the dog owner’s information such as name and address, telephone number, and the dogs medical and vaccination records and its history.

Finally you need information about the dog owner’s insurance company, the name and address, phone number, claim number and the amount payable.
